Tirumala Sri Venkateswara : - The Kaliyuga GOD


We all know that Tirupati Tirumala Devasthanam is the richest and one of the most revered shrines in India. But, there are so many interesting mystical facts out there beyond the commonly known trivia. Like the fact that the idol of Lord Balaji wears real hair. Or, that the sacred objects for worship are not locally sourced. How about this one – the idol of the deity has a tendency to sweat!

Once upon a time, Lord Venkateswara was very impatient towards the authorities who were making faults in Thirumala, which were disturbing the normal people, deep devotees and the poor people, who want their wishes to be fulfilled. Govinda doesn't 't spare the wrong doers, if innocents were in trouble. He was giving punishments to those authorities, whenever they were doing silly mistakes. So authorities and Archaka Varga were fearing to wander in the vicinity of Him. Archakas decided to cover his eyes by increasing the size of Namam with camphor, to cool him. After increasing the width of Namam ad covering eyes with the camphor, the destruction was reduced. Nethra Darsanam for weekly once had started from then onwards. It is only on Thursdays. On this day, archakas will become alert that they should not do the faults in front of the Lord. In fact, Lord warns the mischievous people to save innocents. To save lakhs and crores of people, Govinda played an act with those, whoever think they are very clever. All these Universes are a play to Lord.

Lord Srimannarayana lies in five forms. Para, Vyuha, Vibhava, Antharyami, Archavathara. Para Vasudeva (Paramapadam and Vaikuntham), Vyuha Rupa (Vasudeva, Samkarshana, Pradyumna, Aniruddha), Vibhava (like Rama, Krishnaavatharas), and Antharyami (in the form of a molecule near heart) are difficult to see or watch for us. We can see him only in Archaavathara (in the idol form). Hence we feel him as our blood relative. It is more than kin and kind. We bath him, feed him, lull him and sing lullabies for him to sleep well. Again we wake him up from sleep praying that “O Lord ! Wake up and take care of us. All Gods are waiting for you with flowers in their hands to worship. Devotees are praying to fulfill their wishes. O Govinda ! Open your eyes to watch us with your cool eyes.”

To decrease the anger of Venkanna, Mahalakshmi is always there on his chest, though He is symbol for the ocean of grace. Once the Archakas and officers experienced the punishments for their faults by Lord Srinivasa. He punishes to rectify the mistakes of Archakas and officers by making them perfect because we all people pray God through Archakas and officers of temple only. Even we don't like the mistakes of Political or other senior officers.

Another note : From then onwards, the Archakas (Vaikhanasa Agama) had the habit of putting the Namam, with the camphor, thereby cooling the heart of Venkanna towards us. They also started to put short Namam on Thursdays only, giving Nethradarsanam of Lord Venkateswara to us peopleTo prevent the anger of Swami, they planned to start Thiruppavada Seva (Annakutothsavam). Then He cooled with this act. You can watch this Seva even today, on every Thursday. There is only Pulihora Prasadam (Annakutam is made with this tamarind rice in the form of Venkateswara) on the whole day of any Thursday, from this Thiruppavada. It is a custom that every devotee of Lord Venkateswara feel that “Govinda belongs to me only”. Because they feel Him like their mother, father,friend, master, God, husband, shadow and their only well wisher

Read more for such amusing and mind-altering facts about the most well-known shrine in India.


Secret of an unknown village

For the ritual worship of the deities housed in the Tirupati Balaji Temple, the flowers, clarified butter, milk, butter-milk, holy leaves etc. are sourced from an undisclosed village located about twenty two kilometres away from Tirupati. The little village has never been seen or visited by any outsider except its own people.

Idol of the deity is not in the centre

The idol of Lord Tirupati Balaji placed may appear to be standing in the centre of the sanctum sanctorum, but technically, it is not so. The idol is actually placed in the right hand corner of the shrine.

Real hair of Balaji

The hair worn by Lord Balaji is silky, smooth, tangle-free, and absolutely real. The story behind those faultless locks goes like this – Lord Balaji, during his regime on earth, lost some of his hair in an unexpected mishap. A Gandharva Princess named Neela Devi quickly took note of this incident, and cut a portion of her glorious mane. She offered her chopped locks humbly to the deity and requested him to plant them on his head. Pleased with her devotion, the god accepted the kind offering and promised that whoever visits his shrine and sacrifices his/her hair at his feet will be blessed. Ever since, it has been a custom among devotees to shave their head off in the temple before or after their desires are fulfilled.

Sea waves behind Lord Balaji’s idol

Photo by:  Tirumala.org, Creative Commons Attribution Licence

You may want to hear to believe, but the unchangeable truth is that the sound of enormous sea waves can be heard if one puts his/her ear on the back of the deity’s image housed in the shrine.

Perpetual lit lamps

The light of an ardent devotee’s heart for the Divine never gets extinguished, so does the earthen lamps placed before the idol of the deity in the sanctum sanctorum of the Tirupati Balaji Temple. There are no reliable records about the time when these lamps were lit and who lit them. All that is known is that they have been burning since a long time and will continue to do so.

Venkateswara Swamy had once appeared in real

Long ago, in 19th century India, the King of the region imposed death sentence on twelve people for committing a heinous crime. The twelve of them were hung by their necks until death. Post death, the body of the deceased criminals were left hanging on the walls of the temple of Balaji. It was at that time the deity himself appeared.

Misty idol

For an inexplicable reason, the back of the idol always remains moist, despite the priests labouring to keep it dry.

Flowers offered to Lord comes out at Verpedu

Pappula_Venkatesh_-(Tirupati_sri_venkateswara_swamy_varu)Photo by:  Pappulavenkatesh, Creative Commons Attribution Licence
Going by the rule book, the temple priests do not throw the flowers offered to Lord Balaji during morning worship out of the GarbhaGudi or Sanctum Sanctorum. So, they are thrown into the waterfalls which flow behind the rear side of the idol. The priests, however, refrain from looking at the back side of the holy deity for the rest of the day. Surprisingly, the discarded flowers can be seen at a place known as Yerpedu which lies 20 kilometres away from Tirupati.

Idol survives strong chemical reaction

It is a scientifically known fact that when raw camphor or green camphor (Pachai Karpooram), a derivative of Cinnamomum camphora tree, is applied on any stone, it leads to cracks and fissures on the object. The idol of Shri Tirupati Balaji, however, is resistant to the volatile chemical reactions of camphor, and bears no marks, even though it remains smeared with the substance most of the time.

Sweaty deity

Lord Balaji’s image may be carved out of stone, but it is fully infused with life and very much alive, if reports are to be believed. The idol of the holy deity maintains a temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit, even though the surroundings are cool due to the steep location of the temple (3000 feet). Every morning, after the holy bath known as Abhishekham, droplets of sweat appear on the image of Balaji which have to be wiped off with a silken fabric by the priests. On Thursdays, when the priests remove the ornaments of the idol for a holy bath, they come off with a sensation of warmth.


                        Lord Balaji as devotees call Sri Venkateswara is Sri Maha Vishnu himself coming down to earth in the pretext of searching his wife goddess Lakshmi who provoked an incident to bring God Vishnu down to earth for protecting his devotees and rule the world.

Of course Sri Maha Vishnu is lord, creater, ruler and destroyer of not one but all the worlds.

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